
From NYSSLS.info

Use a model to illustrate cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation.

Clarification statement: Emphasis should be on the outcomes of mitotic division and cell differentiation on growth and development of complex organisms and possible implications for abnormal cell division (cancer) and stem cell research.

Assessment boundary: Assessment does not include specific gene control mechanisms or recalling the specific steps of mitosis.


Examples and discussion of resources for the learning, teaching, and assessment of HS-LS1-4.

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What assessment of HS-LS1-4 might look like on a NY state exam.

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NGSS Dimensions

Performance expectation HS-LS1-4 was developed using the following elements from the NRC document A Framework for K-12 Science Education:

Science and engineering practices
Disciplinary core ideas
Crosscutting concepts

Connections to Other Standards

HS-LS1-4 connections to ELA, math, and other science standards as outlined by the NYS Education Department:

Page contributors:
Biology | HS. Inheritance and Variation of Traits

NYSSLS.info is an unofficial resource for information on the NYS science learning standards. NYSSLS.info is not affiliated with or endorsed by the NYSED. Click to view the learning standards on the official NYSED website.